domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

1° entry: CUBA

I have always wanted to go to Cuba, I know people who had gone there and everything they have to say about the place and people there is interesting. The things that attract me the most are the landscapes of the country that can be complement with their awesome music and Caribbean rhythm.

Most things I know about the country are facts of their history, I’m not really familiar with the social dynamics in the place. I don’t believe that you can learn that basing your knowledge in other’s people anecdotes because everything is subjective and every person have a different perspective on things. That’s why I would like to go myself so I could understand things in my way and not by other’s eyes.

Once in Cube I would like to visit the several historic places they have, take a walk around the beach, but mostly I would like to drink rum while dancing salsa with a sexy Cuban, Oh! And also smoke a cigar.

Several times I thought about studying there because their Cinema’s University has an awesome reputation around the world but I desist on that idea because I think of that country more like a temporary stay for fun instead of a place where to put my foot on the ground.

1 comentario:

  1. I think Fidel Castro is an awesome politician and leader. I wanna know him and his friends.
